Day: May 30, 2023

New Hampshire lawmakers appear to be at an impasse over legislation to legalize marijuana through a multitiered system of state-controlled stores, privately operated agency shops and dual-licensed medical cannabis dispensaries. But with the governor’s newfound support for a state-controlled cannabis market, they will be returning to the issue later thisContinue Reading

The governor of Minnesota has signed a bill to legalize marijuana, making it the 23rd state in the U.S. to end cannabis prohibition. After months of committee hearings and floor votes, Gov. Tim Walz (D) signed off on HF 100 on Tuesday, as he previously committed to doing. “This hasContinue Reading

Step into any room full of green-blooded cannabis aficionados and the conversation is almost assuredly to land on all the amazing benefits their precious plant has provided. There’ll be that dude with a faded tattoo of an eagle on his forearm who swears up and down that weed has helpedContinue Reading