Day: November 13, 2024

Just a day into the period during which Texas lawmakers can begin prefiling bills ahead of the forthcoming 2025 legislative session, elected officials have already proposed a number of cannabis-related reforms, including measures to legalize cannabis for adults, expand the state’s restrictive low-THC medical program and impose new restrictions onContinue Reading

Senate Republicans on Wednesday elected a new majority leader who not only opposes legalizing marijuana but has also called for a reversal of the Biden administration’s plan to reschedule cannabis and has criticized Democrats for working to increase the industry’s access to banking services. Thune, who defeated Sens. John CornynContinue Reading

One of the great things about the cannabis community is that it’s comprised of people from all walks of life. As legalization continues to spread from coast to coast, more and more people are becoming aware of the plant’s benefits—including older Americans. A 2020 study published in JAMA Internal Medicine,Continue Reading

Researcher Sues DEA Over Marijuana Rescheduling Process Image Cannabis News November 13, 2024 A researcher has filed a lawsuit against the Drug Enforcement Administration, accusing the agency of multiple legal violations in its process of marijuana rescheduling. David Heldreth, researcher and CEO of psychedelic research and development company Panacea PlantContinue Reading