Day: May 23, 2024

A Delaware legislative panel has approved a bill to launch recreational marijuana sales early through existing medical cannabis dispensaries—disregarding concerns from activists who argue the measure will give current businesses run by multi-state operators an unfair advantage. The House Economic Development/Banking/Insurance and Commerce Committee voted on Tuesday to advance theContinue Reading

U.S. Sen Ted Cruz (R-TX) criticized the Biden administration’s planned move of cannabis to Schedule III of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) during comments Wednesday at a Senate Commerce subcommittee hearing, citing increases in vehicle injury and fatality rates that he attributed to the legalization of adult-use marijuana. Delivering remarksContinue Reading

Monitoring Weed’s Business Landscape Image Cannabis News May 23, 2024 Stay informed with these North American news highlights. Make Way for Massachusetts The Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission (CCC) recently shared that the state collected $1.8 billion in cannabis sales during 2023. The figure reflects a combined total of recreational cannabisContinue Reading

Two Republican congressmen are demanding that the head of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) answer questions about why she broke “decades of precedent” by not signing a proposed marijuana rescheduling rule, instead having it approved by the attorney general. In a letter sent to DEA Administrator Anne Milgram on Wednesday,Continue Reading

Delaware Marijuana commissioner to host workshops on social equity program Image Cannabis News May 23, 2024 Are you interested in learning more about the state’s social equity program for Delaware’s recreational marijuana industry? The Office of the Marijuana Commissioner will host workshops across the state in June to provide technicalContinue Reading