Day: April 10, 2024

Single-dose psilocybin use is “not associated with risk of paranoia,” while other adverse effects such as headaches are generally “tolerable and resolved within 48 hours”—according to a new scientific review published by the American Medical Association (AMA). With increased public interest in the therapeutic potential of psychedelics, researchers at theContinue Reading

The Top US Cities for Marijuana Tourism Image Cannabis News April 10, 2024 The Best Places for a Pot-Friendly Getaway. The trend of U.S. states legalizing recreational marijuana use is lifting tourism to new heights in 2024 and travelers have never had more choices when it comes to picking theContinue Reading

How Hemp Could Save Horticulture Image Cannabis News April 10, 2024 Also, hemp could save some of North America’s largest carbon-capturing ecosystems. Hemp is emerging as an unexpected remedy for one of the horticulture industry’s hidden environmental harms, thanks to research from horticulture professor Jessica Lubell-Brand. For years, gardeners haveContinue Reading

Hawaii’s Senate on Tuesday passed a marijuana expungements bill that would create a single-county pilot program aimed at clearing certain past offenses, voting 24–1 to send the proposal, HB 1595, back to the House ahead of a legislative deadline later this week. On two other marijuana-related measures, meanwhile—including a proposalContinue Reading