Day: November 7, 2019

Illinois awarded three more medical marijuana retailers licenses to sell recreational cannabis, including two in Chicago. There are now 14 medical marijuana dispensaries in Illinois that can sell recreational cannabis when legal sales begin Jan. 1, the Chicago Tribune reported. Illinois hands out three more adult-use cannabis licenses, two inContinue Reading

Colorado’s prohibition on publicly traded cannabis companies and limits on out-of-state investment were officially lifted at the start of this month, heralding a new era of growth in the state’s industry — and potentially one of further corporate consolidation. The changes went into effect on Nov. 1, under emergency rules issued byContinue Reading

Which came first? Poor paths to profitability for North American cannabis companies or limited funding for them to build their businesses? The reality: It’s a bit of both. Funding opportunities for marijuana firms do exist, but investors are increasingly unlikely to lend if cannabis companies cannot meet their revenue and profitability targets.Continue Reading