Day: February 14, 2024

“Everyone agrees that the sooner we can get licensed dispensaries open, the better.” By Peter Callaghan, MinnPost Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) said Tuesday he supports proposals by the state’s cannabis management office to increase advantages to what are termed “social equity applicants” in the fledgling legal marijuana marketplace. TheContinue Reading

New York lawmakers say there’s a “real chance” that legislation to legalize psilocybin-assisted therapy will advance through committee this session, emphasizing that delaying action would “neglect” many “people who need help” with certain mental health conditions. At a briefing on Wednesday, Assemblymember Pat Burke (D) and Sens. Nathalia Fernandez (D)Continue Reading

An Arizona House committee has approved a bill to authorize interstate marijuana commerce, pending a change in federal policy. After initially rejecting the legislation from Rep. Justin Wilmeth (R) in a split 5-5 vote on Wednesday, the House Commerce Committee reconsidered the measure later in the meeting, reversing course andContinue Reading