Day: January 11, 2023

In my long career in the beauty industry—from celebrity hairstylist and colorist to licensed cosmetologist to beauty columnist and editor for numerous magazines—I’ve always been open to THC as a healing agent, as long as I didn’t get high from it. But when I saw how it transformed topical woundsContinue Reading

Last week, New Jersey and New York regulators took each other to task over which state approached their adult-use marijuana market rollout better. Now, Connecticut’s governor is joining the rhetorical rumble after his state launched recreational sales on Tuesday, entering the tri-state war of words on cannabis. Hours before Connecticut’sContinue Reading

Connecticut is the latest state to legalize recreational cannabis with a focus on equity and social justice. They’ve expunged nearly 44,000 criminal records so far, but there’s more work to be done. The post Connecticut expunged more than 43,000 cannabis convictions appeared first on Leafly. Read More: ConnecticutContinue Reading

A top Republican Wisconsin lawmaker is pushing back against the idea that the conservative legislature is close to making a deal on medical marijuana legalization, and he’s again warning the Democratic governor against calling for adult-use legalization as part of his forthcoming budget request. While Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieuContinue Reading

Recreational pot sales double in Maine Image Cannabis News January 11, 2023 Legal sales launched in 2020. Adult-use cannabis sales soared last year in Maine, nearly doubling the total for 2021. The local news outlet Masthead Maine, citing data that was released by the Maine Office of Cannabis Policy, reportsContinue Reading

Kansas City looks to approve ballot question for Marijuana sales tax Image Cannabis News January 11, 2023 KANSAS CITY – The discussion on putting a municipal marijuana sales tax question to voters has finally arrived in Kansas City. The magic number: 3%. That’s the highest city sales tax allowed underContinue Reading

Georgia lawmakers considering ways to deal with Cannabis waste Image Cannabis News January 11, 2023 Georgia state lawmakers are pondering how the state should regulate the waste generated from the legal manufacturing of cannabis products, including hemp and medical marijuana. Last week, the House Study Committee on Cannabis Waste andContinue Reading